Boston Students Blog: 6/9/15

Just to see if you all are paying attention:imagesHomework for all of us!

Discovering where/when/how
the Infinite Mystery of Being
reveals itself inthe fluctuating forms of Becoming,
in radical aliveness.

Start at the Heart Chakra:

1. Feel the infinite emerging into form as a luminous expansion field: no boundaries, no limits.
2. Feel the expansion meeting the condensing resistance as a “Tensegrity Field” in balance. There will be the vibrancy of energy plus some feeling in the tissues: skin, muscles, fascia, bone etc. Feel the warmth of the heart as love and compassion. Find the torroidal pattern.
3. Using the sound ‘OM” create a dynamic tensegrity field around the heart. Here, exhalation dominates. Build the field. Sustain the charge.
4. Create similar feel on inhalation. This may be a bit more difficult as you do not have the sound.
5. Explore same around chakras 3, 2 and 1.
6. Explore same around chakras 5, 6, and 7
7. How does your standing forward bend sequence/practice feel with this awareness?
Unknown8. Same with trikonasa – parvakonasana – ardha chandrasana – other standing poses.
9. Dog pose series into hand stands
10. Sirsasana with variations
11. Backbends, if desired
12. Sarvangasana with variations
13. Lying/seated twists and forward bends, as desired
14. Savasana: Dissolve into luminous emptiness
15. How do your life experiences affect the heart field?

This work is subtle, so be patient. Use your imagination to fill in the blanks. If working with the fields is too abstract, shift perception to the energy body. Find expanding, condensing and double action along the axes (spine and limbs).

In future weeks we will look at some of the obstacles that may hinder our deeper unfolding, examine some of the fun fascial structures we will encounter on our inner dives, answer questions, and more.

See you next week.