Emergence of the Universe


Creativity and the Emergence of the Cosmos     

   From what we can see from our vantage point, on planet earth, here and now, the known universe emerged mysteriously some 13.7 billion years ago in a great flaring forth of energy, with matter, in the form of elementary particles, mysteriously appearing and disappearing like bubbles and foam. In the metaphoric language of the mid 20th century, this became known as the ‘Big Bang”. Over time, as this emerging amorphous energy blob continued to expand and cool, fields of organizing intelligence began to reveal themselves and the universe as we know it began to take shape. Units of raw dynamic energy began to crystallize into matter in the form of the more stable fundamental particles such as electrons and protons, which eventually gave birth to atoms, galaxies and stars.

Modern science has defined four of these fundamental fields of organizing intelligence, calling them interactions, that govern the way in which the various structures of the universe move, change and relate. (Systems theory, which looks at how large collections of forms can develop complexity and the capacity for self growth uses these four interactions and a few more. We will develop this in the biology section.)

Two of these interactions operate at the sub atomic or microphase realm and, although they are unavailable for us to perceive without incredible powerful and complex scientific machinery, we should at least know that they exist. One, the weak interaction, is involved with the breakdown or decay of sub-atomic particles such as neutrons. In the earliest moments of the universe, all particles were decaying almost instantaneously because of the intense heat and pressure. In modern times, the weak interaction is seen in the fusion process that fuels the sun and certain other stars. It is also involved in the radioactive decay of much larger atoms such as uranium and plutonium.

The second, the strong nuclear interaction, also operating at infinitessimally tiny distances, allows multiple positively charged protons to overcome their mutual repulsion and stick together, often joining with assorted neutrons, to create what we know as the nucleus of an atom. When bound with negatively charged electrons, more complex atoms such as helium, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen emerge. Large clusters of all the same atom give rise to what is called an element, the basic building blocks of the material universe. So far 118 elements have been identified as is demonstated in the periodic table of the elements.

The third interaction, electromagnetism, is familiar, in one way or another, to all of us, as it helps determine the shaping and interactions of the mesophase realm of existence, where our bodies, sense organs and what we refer to as every day reality reside. It allows certain particles to be either attracted to or repelled by other particles, if they happened to carry a quality of energy called charge. Like charges repel, opposte charges attract. A positively charged proton attracts a negativly charged electron. Bingo! You have a hydrogen atom, the most common atom in the universe. Although, because of new understandings in quantum physics, this model is no longer totally accurate, it is still useful to imagine an electron, or collection of electrons, orbiting around the nucleus like the planets orbiting around the sun.

Negatively charged electrons in their orbits repel each other, (as do positvely charged protons in the nucleus), allowing a sense of space to be retained. Shells or layers of electrons keep atoms from geting too close to each other. This allows a whole new level of complexity to arise as different atoms have the ability to share electrons and create larger structures known as molecules. A water molecule finds two hydrogen atoms sharing their single electron with a hungry/needy oxygen atom. A carbon atom shares 4 of its electrons with two hungry oxygen atoms and you get carbon dioxide. The study of chemistry reveals the amazing world of this realm. The fluidity of electrons is the basis for electricity, and more importantly for us, the awakening process itself.

And finally our fourth interaction, gravity, defines the macrophase structure of the universe. Gravity binds large clusters of particles together to create stars, planets, moons, asteroids and galaxies. Gravity is the play ground of the yogi and we will explore this deeply in the poses. In the neurobiology section, we will see how the nervous system has evolved a mechanism to use gravity to help in self organizing physiology and movement. When the organism has a healthy relationship to gravity, the living tissue shares electrons continuously giving a sense of wholeness, integration and fluid freedom.

These fundamental manifestations of the universe, matter, energy, and fields, and the amazing self-organizing capacities that arise to give birth to an unending series of forms and transformation that make up the universe are the foundations of science and also the roots of our own embodied existence. Our ancestry extends back at least to the beginning of time 13.7 billion years ago. Visionary cosmologist Brian Swimme has devoted his life to exploring our cosmological origins and envisioning how we, as humans, can live fully within the vast powers and capacities that are as much a part of us as they are the atoms and molecules, the planets, stars and galaxies. He has articulated 10 ‘Powers of the Universe’ to help us understand how we can personally embody these cosmic dynamics, combining contemporary scientific terminology with metaphor and imaginative imagery to bring to life his deep revelatory experiences of the ways in which the creativity of the universe is alive moment by moment. As yoga practitioners, we can use the postures as entryways into these dynamics and allow the poses to expand our consciousness to the far reaches of the universe.



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Powers of the Universe
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The Ten Oxherding Pictures

A Holiday Gift from the Buddhist World to all of us.

The ten Oxherding Pictures from Zen Buddhism represent the stages and path to awakening, integration and enlightenment, with the Ox representing our True Nature and the Oxherder each of us, the embodied being. It is important to note that the stages are not linear but spiralic and multi-dimensional, as we usually can get glimpses of more advanced levels before we have truly completed and integrated the any or all of the previous ones.

Also, we may often be working with several stages at the same time. More subtle awakenings in one level may trigger unconscious and unresolved traumas stored in the earlier levels that then need to be revisited, transformed and integrated. Then, the energy held in trauma is resolved and free to use for deeper growth.

There are many variations on the ten pictures representing the stages, and these are usually accompanied by poetic verses and/or commentary describing the journey. The paintings seen below are traditionally attributed to 天章周文 Tenshō Shūbun (1414-1463), of the Muromachi period in the late fifteenth century and are found at the Shōkokuji temple in Kyoto, Japan.

These stages can be seen as three sets of three transformations, with the final stage standing alone. The first three are the beginners journey, the second three those of the intermediate student, and the final three the most subtle and refined. The tenth transcends all and resolves as the awakened Buddha in the world helping others. Looking more deeply and ironically, we find that ultimately it is the Ox who is training and leading the Oxherder

1: Seeking the Ox
We know something is missing in our lives, but don’t know what it might be, or where to look. Our souls ache, our spirit feels fragile. The spiritual journey begins, but our minds are full of confusion and delusion. Our search is random and we cannot find the Ox anywhere. This is Dante at the beginning of The Divine Comedy.

2: Seeing Tracks of the Ox
Through study and guidance we begin to get glimpses. Maybe we discover yoga or meditation, or find spiritual teachers or writings that inspire us. But although we see the tracks, the Ox is still unseen, unknown. The tracks give us some confidence and we continue seeking, driven by the awakening cosmic impulse to discover/uncover the fullness and truth of our Being. The Ox is calling us.

3: First Glimpsing the Ox
There is the Ox. Wow! So magnificent! How did we ever not see! But the Ox remains elusive, disappearing into the forest. How could that be? Our minds are still confused, our seeking still undisciplined. The Ox teases us. She is everywhere and then nowhere to be found. Our mental habits and beliefs still dominate in spite of the revelation and we struggle to find ground. We are still beginners on the journey.

4: Catching the Ox
We finally catch the ox and grasp the rope to hold her, but she is wild and free, used to cavorting in the fields. We must hold the rope firmly and steadily. The rope of course is our evolving meditation practice and this is where it gets more serious. We are no longer beginners. We are in the realm of un-abiding awakening and must be ‘all in’ with our practice to stabilize the ground. Habits and conditioning have many tentacles extending into the unconscious, so our discipline must become stronger. The Ox keeps us on our toes.

5: Taming the Ox
As our practice becomes stronger, we can hold the rope more loosely as the Ox is relaxing somewhat. It is actually the mind that is relaxing as we begin to realize that the Ox is always steady and it is our minds that are wild and untamed. By relaxing our efforts, our practices can now include resting in the infinite and we become more comfortable in stillness and mystery. Habits still arise as the unconscious has many layers and levels of confusion and trauma, but we recognize the reality that our thoughts arise and fall from the depths of silence and that our delusion is self created.

6: Riding the Ox Back Home
The seeking and struggle come to an end and we can let go of the rope as Ox and herder are one, moving effortlessly together though the world. Buddha Nature is awake and free and we feel spontaneous joy and happiness. The Oxherder plays his flute for the birds and children of the village. This joy and delight can be a surprise as the practice has seemed quite serious at times. Unseen unconscious traumas may still exist so vigilance is still required.

7: Ox Forgotten, Self Alone
The Ox is now gone and the Oxherder sits at home alone. This is ‘Self as ‘I am’ without the need to ‘be something. This is Kaivalya of the Yoga Sutras, Purusha distinct from Prakriti. Up until now, there has remained a subtle sense of duality, of practice and life, of spiritual and not spiritual. This now dissolves. There is no longer ‘something to do’. Everything is meditation and nothing is special. Things are ‘just as they are’.

8: Ox and Self Both Forgotten
Total Emptiness. No concepts, ideas or beliefs, no sense of separateness. Even the “I am” is gone. All gone. Not even the scent of ‘holiness’ or special-ness remains. Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate.

9: Return to the Source
From the realization of Emptiness emerges the realization that the amazing flow of life always continues on in its own perfection. Seasons come and go. Cherry trees bloom in the spring. Birds sing and the rivers flow. Stars are born and others explode into cosmic dust. Emptiness is Fullness, Fullness is Emptiness. Bodhi svaha!

10: Returning to the Marketplace with Helping Hands
The enlightened being joyfully joins the world to aid all beings on their journey. Freedom, wisdom and compassion are the roots of action. Enlightenment is not passive but celebratory and engaged.

Here are some other perspectives:
From Tricycle Magazine

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