Meditation: The Toroidal Field of the Heart

Unknown“Centered attention on the movement and activity of the heart, including stillness, is the foundation of biodynamic (craniosacral) practice, as I teach it.” Michael J. Shea. Unknown-1

In a previous post we introduced the torus as one of the most fundamental shapes in nature. Now we will begin to explore variations on a meditation centered on the toroidal field of energy emanating from and pouring into the human heart, and the ever present stillness that underlies all movement.

This will help begin the awakening of the light body, which we will then integrate with the sound (energy) body in the form of vibration, and the physical or structural body in the form of flesh, bones, water, organs and cells, so the three bodies can function as a whole, in stillness. Stabilizing the light body energy is the next and crucial step in the process of transforming human consciousness.06b3d1b8dea9

Step 1: Find a comfortable position for the meditation. Any sitting posture will do. Feel tall, wide and soft. Relax and drop everything into the breath. Release the breath and let it flow as effortlessly as possible.

Step 2: Bring your attention to your heart. The physical heart will do, although you can also use the heart chakra or the space just behind the physical heart to rest your awareness. imagesGetting in the ballpark is good enough. Feel the energy here. It may be warm, vibrant, expansive, fluid. If the heart feels dark, heavy or unconsciousness, imagine a place in nature, or an experience in your life when your heart felt naturally soft and open. Nurture this feeling. Invite gratitude and loving kindness to arise. Feel that the heart is your center, your true home.

3. Now invite your heart energy to feel that is sits at the center of a torusheart-energy with openings up to the heavens and down into the earth. Imagine your heart energy in the form of love, travels down through the bottom opening, through your root chakra, (the muladhara,) into the earth, dropping and spreading as it unites with all the layers and levels of Mother Earth. Allow your love to embrace all. Feel rooted, grounded and stable. find the stillness of Mother Earth and rest here.

4. Now allow the energies of Mother Earth, in the form of love and nurturing, to rise up into the center of the torus, through your root chakra, to the heart. feel the heart as a lens focusing the earths energies and send these throughout the body circulating around the toroidal field.torus-500x271

5. Now allow your heart to open to Father Sky, the heavens, sending love and well-being up to the moon, sun, stars, galaxies and onward, embracing the whole cosmos. Feel open, spacious and light. Find the heavenly stillness and rest there. Then receive the return of love from the heavenly realms pouring into your heart. Feel your heart full of love and send this on to your organs, cells, fluids and structures. Return to your heart and rest in the stillness there. Feel light, grounded, stable, centered, ready for the day.